Standing With The Light

I call out to the ball of light that shimmers a few yards ahead,
wondering what it is made of as it shines brightly and
pulsates with energy. The light floats gently through a
path that has been carved by nature, with trees on either
side and twigs loosely scattered throughout the road.
A cool mist hangs in the air, and the light makes its way
through an open fence. I follow the light, beckoning out
to it and asking what it is looking for.

The light responds with calm throbbing and continuous
flashes of power. We make our way forward into a
courtyard lined with trees, bushes, shrubs, and fountains.
I thank the light for allowing me to observe the surrounding
scenery. We amble our way through a flight of stairs, and I
wonder where this light will continue to take me.

We enter an open field with multitudes of flowers, bushes,
and a stream bubbling its way through. I follow the light
across the stream, in which I wade and feel the coolness
of the water. Upon exiting the water I notice that the light
hovers near a set of wooden poles that are connected in the
form of a square. The light then makes it way toward
a tall boulder and appears to rest for a bit. I lean my hand
upon the boulder, which feels almost icy cold, and take
in the scent of ancient stone mixed with rustic spices.

I follow the light toward a cottage nestled among pecan
trees and flowering bushes. The front door is open. When
we walk in, I hear the sound of an old vinyl record playing,
with occasional cracks and whistles.

Look Within, Not Without, For Inspiration

As a counselor, I often work with clients who are struggling with mental health experiences such as pain, fear, etc. It is always important to view each client’s experience from their own perspective, aiming to understand more about them and where they come from. Other people may have their own interpretations about what the client is going through, but hearing it from the client themself is on a totally different level (a more realistic level). This theme is crucial when aiming to deliver an appropriate level of care.

The client themself. An interesting concept. Often I hear clients say that they are “looking for an answer”, doing just about anything except looking within themselves for help. Yes, it is important to have outside support. Very important. I believe, however, that some people place too little emphasis on the importance of aiming to look within and not “without” for improvement/progress.

When we look within ourselves, looking at our strengths and our abilities, something amazing occurs. We gain knowledge and awareness that in fact we are stronger than what the feeling may be telling ourselves. This is why it is so important for us to practice self reflection on a daily basis. Even just experiencing the present is an excellent example of us being aware of who we are. So when a client is faced with challenging or difficult situations, usually I am quick to help the client practice inner awareness and centering. I believe that in this case, practice is definitely a useful and encouraging tool.


Empathy is a great technique we can use to help not only ourselves but other people as well. I am defining empathy to mean a quality in which we perceive what another person is going through in order to aim to understand and comprehend what that person may be feeling or experiencing in their own situation. In that sense, empathy differs from sympathy in that sympathy is meant to acknowledge what the other person is going through, and pretty much leave it at that. Actually, empathy is less about “pity” and more about actually relating to the other person. I personally find that when I empathize with others, I am usually more able to develop rapport. This creates for me a sense of comfort and peace. Also, when I empathize with others, it has the serendipitous effect of helping me to learn about my own experiences as well in the sense that I can view them in a new angle and/or a new light. Practicing empathy is important, because usually it takes practice to really get a technique down. When the empathy is really honed and used genuinely (not superficially), it can be an incredibly useful tool to help people cope with challenging situations. Using empathy can help with desensitizing those who may be afraid of the things that certain other people can be experiencing. Thus, it can help with becoming more confident about the given scenario, in effect boosting the empathizer’s sense of self-worth and that of the other person. When that happens, it can definitely make communication a lot easier for everyone involved. I absolutely intend on continuing to utilize this technique for those I encounter.

Snowy Hold

I walk among the ice-lined pavement

toward the gallery of the castle, where

I will be waiting for my friend to visit me.

Through the stained glass I see outlines

of the mist sliding by to greet welcoming visitors.

Exquisite chandeliers line the perimeter

of the gallery, and I stand next to the table while

contemplating topics of discussion for me

and my companion. She is a highly gifted

woman, able to look inside herself and convey

to me some of her deepest feelings. I love the

songs she writes, which are mainly about love,

fortitude, and resilience. She never shys away

from her challenges. I hope that when she

arrives, we will be able to embrace and

converse about these and other matters. In

this capacious gallery, I am truly delighted

and thrilled to have such an amazing and

enlightening opportunity.

One Act Magic


One Act Magic

Myriadam Valentino Medrano
May 1 2021

Ages always give the notion of all
In images that we have in us.
You are inseparable from us all.
I sense the love that emanates everywhere.
We’ll keep it going forward; I’ll envision more.

We will keep all this
One act magic to be a guide.
Going forward I believe the passion in your eyes.
I observe the bliss
We all have in some images.
Keeping peace just happens as the truth and in the wise.

Only we imagine what can arise.
Still we observe that which pacifies.
I embrace your loving sensitive touch
Throbbing inside me while I stay holding trust.
We’ll keep it knowing we are perfect how we are.

We will keep all this
One act magic to be a guide.
Going forward I believe the passion in your eyes.
I observe the bliss
We all have in some images.
Keeping peace just happens as the truth and in the wise.

Magic symphony, melody, honesty.
Candid homily sounds so high joyfully.
Daring to be free in the sound of the sky.
Visions all combine giving us morals inside.
Come and see what we have already.
I will keep it in, always mine, gratefully.
Open windows will keep things nice and so bright.
Now desires of youthfulness call inner child.
Truth is inside.

I perceive the image of endless love
Inside of us. We deserve it oh so much.
We’ll keep it showing the world passion everywhere.

We will keep all this
One act magic to be a guide.
Going forward I believe the passion in your eyes.
I observe the bliss
We all have in some images.
Keeping peace just happens as the truth and in the wise.

Initiating A Plan Of Maintaining Growth

We oftentimes can find ourselves wondering about ways in which we can go about growing, adapting, and learning as human beings. Of course, contemplation like this can be a benefit, because it can allow us to learn about strategies in which to develop advantageous and positive ways of interacting with this sometimes chaotic world. I would also say it’s good to not get too lost in the technique of contemplating how to grow adaptively in our society, although when it comes to survival strategies, it is often human nature to do it anyway.

Practicing behaviors that are helpful for us can allow us to develop a strategy of interaction that becomes easier the more and more we do those behaviors. This is especially of value when we find ourselves in stressful situations. The more we practice an adaptive skill, the more we learn. And that can only lead to positive outcomes and results. I have to say though that it is usually also good to analyze whether what we can be striving for will actually work for the wellbeing of both ourselves and those we interact with, or if we should decide on more advantageous skills. Stress and challenges are a normal part of human interactions. The more we recognize this, the more we may be able to get a strong grip on what it takes to persevere through all the journeys that lie ahead of us.

Calm Morning

Snow glistens along this path on the mountain.  I make

my way through, enjoying the beams of light that filter

gently through the branches.  I inhale comforting

wisps of moisture that hang throughout the hills

and thickets.  I pass beside many small lakes and brooks,

noticing the vibrant birds that swoop their way close

to the surfaces.  Shiny lilies of the valley poke through

some patches of snow.  Off in the distance, gleaming

green crystals blanket the base of the sleepy hills.

Welcome To The Festival

Welcome to this whimsical gathering of lively folks

assembled in honor of your arrival.  Fantastic lights

lift up and shine onto your carriage.  Confetti hails onto

the scene and spreads throughout the amusement.

The crowd cheers with bliss and euphoria.  Sparkly flags

wave and send forth beams of wonder.  Sweet flowers

bloom along the pavements and shout their approval.

Youthful cultivators giggle, blow bubbles, and play tag

with each other.  Dancers swirl each other around,

lifting each other to new levels.  Golden petals and

silver leaves turn attentively toward the gliding light.